The Board of Directors approved the Financial Statement Draft for 2006 FY. As of December 2006, consolidated net sales amounted to Euro 96.5 million (vs. Euro 95.2 million as of 31/12/2005), EBITDA amounted to Euro 10.3 million (vs. Euro 9.6 million as of 31/12/2005), EBIT amounted to Euro 5.9 million (vs Euro 5.1 million as of 31/12/2005). Consolidated net sales grew 17.9%, amounting to Euro 2.3 million (vs. Euro 2 million as of 31/12/2005). The distribution of Euro 0.05 Euro dividends per share was proposed.

The Board of Directors of Centrale del Latte di Torino & C. – a Company listed in the Star Segment of Borsa Italiana (the Italian Stock Exchange) which produces and sells fresh milk, dairy, and ultrafresh products – approved today the Financial Statement Draft as of December 31 2006, which will be submitted to the approval of the Meeting of Shareholders to be held on April 26 2007.

At the end of 2006, the Group’s consolidated Financial Statement reported net sales amounting Euro 96.5 million with a 1.4% increase vs. Euro 95.2 million as of 31/12/2005, thus confirming the Group’s capacity to control its reference markets and to leverage the Group’s brand.

Sales growth was positively affected by net consolidated sales of fresh milk (+3.3%), of yogurt (+3.9%), and of the other packed products (+2.1%) of the fresh-ultra fresh product range.

In particular, new products will continue to be added to this range – specially 4th range (namely minimally processed or ready to use or fresh cut) fruit and vegetable products – following the start up of operations at the plant in Casteggio (PV) of the subsidiary company Salads & Fruits producing, packing, and selling fresh salads and fruit on behalf of the Group as well as of some major Customers.

As far as margins are concerned, as of Dec. 31 2006, the Group’s reported EBITDA amounted to Euro 10.3 million, with a 7.8% growth vs. Euro 9.6 million in 2005 and EBIT of Euro 5.9 million, with a 16.9% increase vs. Euro 5.1 million in the previous year.

Net profit also grew from the previous year, which as of 31/12/2006 amounted to Euro 2.3 million, vs. Euro 2 million in 2005 (+17.9%).

The Group’s Net Financial Position, as of December 31 2006 amounted to Euro – 6 million versus Euro – 3.4 million as of 30/9/2006 and Euro – 2.6 million as of 31/12/2005. This result is affected by the advance tax payment for the year, as well as by the Euro 10 million loan finalised for the building of the plant in Vicenza.

The Holding Company Centrale del Latte di Torino, as of end of December 2006 posted total sales for Euro 57.9 million, with a 1.9% increase vs. Euro 56.8 million in 2005; EBITDA increased to Euro 8 million, with an 8.9% growth vs. Euro 7.4 million in 2005, whereas EBIT amounted to Euro 6.4 million, showing a 19.1% growth vs. Euro 5.3 million in 2005, and net sales amounted to Euro 2.7 million vs. Euro 2.9 million in 2005.

In the light of the positive results achieved, the Board of Directors decided to submit to the approval of the next Meeting of Shareholders the proposal of a distribution of dividends for Euro 0.05 for each ordinary share, (unchanged from dividends distributed in 2006) to be paid out on May 10 2007, against detachment of coupon on May 7, 2007.

Further, the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders to be held on April 26 will also have to resolve on amendments to the Company By-laws as required by Decree Law No. 262 dd. 28/12/2005 (known as Law on Savings), and on extending the appointment to Messrs. KPMG S.p.A. for the full 2014 FY, as auditors of the company’s Financial Statements.

The BoD also approved the Annual Corporate Governance Report.

Turin – March 9, 2007