The Board of Directors approved the Financial Statement Draft for 2007 FY. As of December 31 2007, consolidated net sales amounted to Euro 99.7 million (+3.2%), EBITDA amounted to 8.8 million (vs. 10.3 million as of 31/12/2006), EBIT amounted to 4.5 million (vs. 5.9 million as of 31/12/2006), net profit amounted to 751 thousand (vs. 2.3 million as of 31/12/2006). The Board of Directors decided to submit to the approval of the next Meeting of Shareholders the proposal of a distribution of dividends for 0.05 per share and to ask for authorization for the purchase of own shares.

Centrale del Latte di Torino – a Company listed in the Star Segment of Borsa Italiana (the Italian Stock Exchange) which produces and sells fresh milk, dairy, and ultrafresh products – reported today the results as of December 31 2007, recording consolidated net sales amounting to Euro 99.7 million, with a 3.2% growth from those recorded in the same period of the previous FY (Euro 96.5 million).

EBITDA as of 31/12/2007 amounted to Euro 8.8 million vs. Euro 10.3 million as of 31/12/2006, while EBIT went down from Euro 5.9 million as of 31/12/2006 to Euro 4.5 million as of 31/12/2007. Net profit as of 31/12/2007 amounted to Euro 751 thousand vs. Euro 2.3 million recorded in the same period of the previous FY.

2007 results were affected by the strong increase in the price of milk (amounting to +21% on average as against 2006 prices), which was only partially transferred on to retail prices. However, the Group was able to maintain its turnover, thus confirming its high level of customer loyalty and appreciation for the quality and safety that have always characterized its product range.

Group’s economic results were also significantly affected by start-up costs of its Subsidiary Company Salads & Fruits – a company producing and selling ready made fresh salads and fruit – as well as by Euro 240 thousand of reserves allocated by the Subsidiary Centrale del Latte di Vicenza to cover the costs of moving to the new factory and of final road construction for access to the plant.

Further, the Group’s Profit and Loss Account was impacted by the extraordinary payment – following the European Commission’s decision according to which tax facilities granted for the years from 1996 to 1999 to municipal companies that were turned into joint stock companies were to be considered as government aid – of Euro1 million by Centrale del Latte di Vicenza, which, at that time, was owned by the Municipality of Vicenza.

With regard to investments, in 2007 the Group almost completed the new plant of Centrale del Latte di Vicenza (Euro 28.1 million), introduced new and innovative production lines for fresh and long-life milk production (Euro 4.4 million) in the factory located in Turin, and started-up the new production unit of Salads & Fruits, a company producing fresh salads and fruit, for a total investment amounting to Euro 5 million.

As to financial management, the Group’s total debt as of December 31 2007 amounted to Euro 16.4 million vs. Euro 12.7 million as of September 30 2007 and Euro 6 million as of December 31 2006. The financial situation evolution is strictly correlated with the construction of the new plant in Vicenza.

The Holding Company, Centrale del Latte di Torino, as of December 31 2007, reported net profit amounting to Euro 60.1 million, versus Euro 57.9 million as of December 31 2006, with a 3.8%. increase. EBITDA amounted to Euro 7.3 million vs. Euro 8 million as of 31/12/2006; EBIT decreased from Euro 6.4 million as of 31/12/2006 to Euro 5.5 million as of 31/12/2007; net profit went down from Euro 2.7 million as of 31/12/2006 to Euro 2.5 million as of 31/12/2007.

In the light of reported results, the Board of Directors decided to submit to the approval of the next Meeting of Shareholders – to be held in Turin next April 24 – the proposal of a distribution of dividends for 0.05 Euro (unchanged from dividends distributed in 2007) to be paid out on May 8 2008, against detachment of coupon on May 5 2008.

Further, the Meeting of Shareholders will also be called to resolve on authorizing the purchase (pursuant to Italian Civil Code Section No. 2357) of maximum 1 million own ordinary shares (10% of capital stock) for a nominal value of Euro 2.06 million, at a price of 1 Euro per share and maximum price not exceeding 10% of the average reference price recorded during the three Stock Exchange working days preceding the above operation, and in any case not exceeding Euro 5.2.

This decision is motivated by the opportunity to carry out operations that aim at stabilizing the market of Centrale del Latte di Torino’s shares, by BoA’s confidence in company’s growth prospects, and by the amount of extraordinary reserve available which – without considering the allocation of 2007 profits – amounts to approximately Euro 8.2 million.

Also, at the Meeting of Shareholders to be convened on April 24, a new Board of Directors – whose three-year mandate has come to an end – will have to be appointed.

Pursuant to the Consolidation Act, section 154 clause 2 bis, Mr. Vittorio Vaudagnotti, the Manager in charge of preparing the corporate Accounting Books, herewith represents that the information contained in this Press Release conforms with corporate accounting documents, records, and books.

Turin – March 11, 2008