Board of Directors approved consolidated first quarter results as of March 31, 2010. Net consolidated sales amounting to Euro 24.7 million (vs. Euro 25 million as of 31/3/2009), EBITDA amounting toEuro 2.9 million (+20.3% vs. Euro 2.4 million as of 31/3/2009), EBIT amounting to Euro 1.4 million (+49.8% vs. Euro 992 thousand as of 31/3/2009), and pretax earnings amounting to Euro1.1 million (vs. Euro 541 thousand as of 31/3/2009). The 2010-2012 three-year Industrial Plan was also approved.

The Board of Directors of Centrale del Latte di Torino – a Company listed in the Star Segment of Borsa Italiana (the Italian Stock Exchange), which produces and sells fresh milk, dairy, and extra-fresh produce – approved today the consolidated first quarter results as of March 31, 2010.

During this period, the company reported consolidated net sales amounting to Euro 24.7 million, thus stable if compared to Euro 25 million reported as of 31/3/2009. EBITDA reported a 20.3% growth, going up from Euro 2.4 million as of 31/3/2009 to Euro 2.9 million as of 31/3/2010, EBIT also increased, going from 992 thousand as of 31/3/2009 to Euro 1.4 million as of 31/3/2010. Finally, pretax earnings, which amounted to Euro 541 thousand as of 31/3/2009, went up to Euro 1.1 million as of 31/3/2010.

By analyzing the above results, the slight decrease in total sales is mostly due not only to a still weak consumer market – although less severely so than in 2009 -, but also to the fact that in the first quarter of 2010, for the first time, our main domestic competitors began selling fresh milk at promotional prices. Therefore, Gruppo Centrale Latte di Torino, in order to protect our market share, had to react through major price reductions.

Conversely, with regard to profit margins, the figures for the first quarter of 2010 have improved over those of the same period of last year, owing to the capital gain from the sale to third parties of a brand held by Centrale del Latte di Vicenza.

The Group’s net financial position as of March 31, 2010 amounted to Euro – 27.8 million versus Euro -30 million as of Dec. 31 2009 and Euro -26.1 million as of March 31, 2009.

As to the results reported by Centrale del Latte di Torino, the Holding Company, as of March 31, 2010, it reported net sales amounting to Euro 14.8 million, thus showing a 3% growth on Euro 14.4 million as of March 31 2009, EBITDA went from Euro 2.1 million in the first quarter of 2009 to Euro 2 million in the first quarter of 2010; EBIT amounted to Euro 1.5 million vs. Euro 1.7 million in the first quarter of 2009; finally, pretax earnings as of 31/3/2010 amounted to Euro 1.4 million vs. Euro 1.5 million reported as of 31/3/2009.

Further, the Board of Directors approved the 2010 – 2012 three-year Industrial Plan, envisaging consolidated sales volumes for fresh and long life milk sold with Group brands, a growth in special milk sales, an increase in the volume of yogurt sales, through the most efficient use of the production capacity of the Vicenza plant, also for the development of products with third-party brands.

Production volumes of both group and third-party branded fresh salads are also planned to increase, through the constantly improving quality and production of the Casteggio based plant. Finally, the Group plans to become a reference player for confectionary cream.

In order to achieve the results set in the plan, all levers available to increase internal efficiency will be used, by cutting raw material and service supply costs, and through a better human resources management.

According to the 2010 – 2012 industrial plan forecasts, consolidated sales by the end of the three years are expected to total Euro 110 million, with a 11% increase over the FY 2009, with 3 million investments, and growing margins attained with an 11% Ebitda.

Pursuant to the Consolidation Act for Finance, section 154 clause 2 bis, Mr. Vittorio Vaudagnotti, the Manager in charge of preparing the corporate Accounting Books, herewith represents that the information contained in this Press Release conforms with corporate accounting documents, records, and books.

Turin – May 10, 2010