Communication related to changing of the number of ordinary shares pursuant to Article 85-bis of the Consob Regulation no. 11971/1999 and Article IA.2.3.4 of the Instructions to the Rules of the Markets organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.

Centrale del Latte d’Italia S.p.A., formerly named Centrale del Latte di Torino & C. S.p.A., hereby communicates, pursuant to Article 85-bis of the Consob Regulation no. 11971/1999 as well as to Article 2.6.2 of the Rules of the Markets organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and Article IA.2.3.4 of the relevant Instructions, the new composition of the share capital as resulting after the merger by incorporation of Centrale del Latte di Firenze, Pistoia e Livorno S.p.A. in Centrale del Latte di Torino & C. S.p.A., whose civil law accounting and fiscal effects have run as from 23.59 of September 30th, 2016.

Following such merger, the share capital of Centrale del Latte d’Italia S.p.A (entirely paid-in) is therefore equal to Euro 28.840.041,20, divided into no. 14.000.020 ordinary shares.

The composition of the new share capital, the number and the categories in which the share capital is divided into is provided here below:
