In accordance with the new Article 82-ter of the Regulations for Issuers which grants listed companies the option to choose whether or not to publish quarterly reports, the Company, including as a member of the STAR segment, advises that, as reported in the press release on April 28, 2016, it will continue to publish quarterly reports largely in line with the format and content called for in the previous rules and regulations.

The interim management reports relative to the first quarter and the first nine months of the year will be approved by the Board of Directors in accordance with the financial calendar made available each year on the Company’s website, and published within 45 days from the end of the reference period.

Here below, the Centrale del Latte d’Italia annual agenda 2017 already published on December 20, 2016.

Friday, March 3rd 2017 Board of Directors for the approval of the Draft Financial Statement and the Draft Consolidated Results for 2016
Thursday, April 27th 2017
(11 am)
Annual Shareholders’ Meeting (first call)
Wednesday, May 3rd 2017
(11 am)
Annual Shareholders’ Meeting (second call)
Friday, May 12th 2017 Board of Directors for the approval of the Interim Management Report as at March 31, 2017
Thursday, August 3rd 2017 Board of Directors for the approval of the Financial Report as of the first half of 2017
Friday, November 10th 2017 Board of Directors for the approval of the Interim Management Report as at September 30, 2017