CENTRALE DEL LATTE D’ITALIA S.p.A.: Giuseppe Bodrero is the new CFO and Investor Relator of Centrale del Latte d’Italia Group.

Appointed by the Board of Directors on March 15th, starting from today Giuseppe Bodrero is the new Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relator of Centrale del Latte d’Italia S.p.A., as well as the executive in charge of drafting the company’s accounting documents.

Bodrero, aged 50, boasts a career path that has led him to occupy the position of CFO in complex industrial concerns in the automotive and food sectors. In the last 8 years, he has held the position of Chief Financial Officer in Caffarel Group (Italy).

Bodrero replaces Vittorio Vaudagnotti following his upcoming retirement

With 4 factories and some 415 employees, Centrale del Latte d’Italia Group produces and sells more than 120 products, ranging from milk and milk products to yogurt and drinks of plant origin, distributed in over 16,000 traditional shops and large retail chains in the pertinent areas under the brand names TappoRosso, Mukki, Tigullio and Vicenza.

Media contacts:
Barabino & Partners

Donata Astengo
e-mail: d.astengo@barabino.it
Mobile: 349.77.25.787