Board of Directors approved financial results at September 30, 2009. Net consolidated sales amounting to EuroEuro 72.6 million (vs. EuroEuro 78.4 million as of 30/9/2008), EBITDA amounting to EuroEuro 6.8 million (vs. EuroEuro 4.4 million as of 30/9/2008), EBIT amounting to EuroEuro 2.4 million (vs. EuroEuro 823 thousand as of 30/9/2008), after-tax net profit amounting to EuroEuro 647 thousand (vs. EuroEuro -501 thousand as of 30/9/2008). End-year forecasts in line with the results attained in the first 9 months of the year.

The Board of Directors of Centrale del Latte di Torino – a Company listed in the Star Segment of Borsa Italiana (the Italian Stock Exchange) which produces and sells fresh milk, dairy, and extra-fresh produce – approved the financial results as of September 30, 2009.

As of 30/9/2009, Centrale del Latte di Torino Group reported net consolidated sales amounting to Euro 72.6 million vs. Euro 78.4 million reported on 30/9/2008, EBITDA as of 30/9/2009 amounted to Euro 6.8 million, thus showing an increase from Euro 4.4 million as of 30/9/2008, EBIT also increased, from Euro 823 thousand as of 30/9/2008, to Euro 2.4 million as of 30/9/2009. Net results moved up from a Euro -501 thousand as of 30/9/2008, to profits for Euro 647 thousand as of 30/9/2009.

In the first nine months of 2009, the drop in sales recorded in the consolidated financial report was caused by a generally weak consumption market, already reported in the previous months. In parallel with the decrease in food consumption, structural changes went on in the milk and dairy industry, with a constantly upward trend of Private Labels, in particular in the fresh milk sector, accompanied by an ever stronger crisis of the traditional distribution channel, which is losing ground to retail chains.

However, It should be pointed out that a partial recovery of sales was recorded in the third quarter, thus suggesting that the drop in turnover is expected to stabilize at the levels of Sept. 30, 2009. As far as margins are concerned, Group’s results confirm a significant improvement over the same period of last year, although EBIT and net profit include a higher level of depreciation for the new plant in Vicenza, as well as higher financial charges directly linked to this investment.

It is important to point out that, during the third quarter, investments were made totaling Euro2.5 million, allocated to a new production line in the Turin plant and an overall quality and quantity upgrading of all the equipment, as well as to the plant based in Casteggio (Pavia), to increase fresh salad production capacity.

The Group’s net financial position as of Sept. 30, 2009 amounts to Euro -28.1 million, thus recording a better figure than Euro -30 million of Dec. 31 2008, as well as of Euro-31 million as of Sept. 30 2008.

As to the price of raw material – milk – , it was finally set for the April – September 2009 period, with an average price that was lower than in the previous FY.

As far as future trends are concerned, the goals for 2009 have been confirmed, namely to achieve results expected to be in line with those recorded in the first three quarters of the year, and sales stable at the levels of the third quarter of 2009.

During the last few weeks, new product references were launched, mostly new family size packs for fresh milk and fresh salads.

The Board of Directors also approved some integrations to the organization and governance model pursuant to Government Law issued under Parliamentary delegation No. 231.

Pursuant to the Consolidation Act, section 154 clause 2 bis, Mr. Vittorio Vaudagnotti, the Manager in charge of preparing the corporate Accounting Books, herewith represents that the information contained in this Press Release conforms with corporate accounting documents, records, and books.

Turin – November 12, 2009