Extract pursuant to art. 122 of Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998 as amended (“TUF”, the Consolidated Law on Finance) and art. 131 of the Consob Regulation adopted with Resolution no. 11971 of 14 May 1999 as amended (the “Issuers Regulation”)

Reference is made to the shareholders’ agreement (the “Agreement”) regarding voting and blocking syndicates in accordance with article 122 of the TUF, concerning 9,082,073 ordinary shares of Centrale del Latte d’Italia S.p.A. (“Centrale del Latte” or the “Company”), amounting to 64.872% of the share capital of the Company, entered into on May 2016 and effective from 30 September 2016 for a period of three years, between Finanziaria Centrale del Latte di Torino S.p.A., Lavia S.S. and Luigi Luzzati, Marco Fausto Luzzati, Sylvia Loew and Carla Luzzati (jointly, the “CLT Shareholders”), on the one hand, and the Municipality of Florence, Fidi Toscana S.p.A. and the Chamber of Commerce of Florence (jointly, the “CLF Shareholders”), on the other.

In compliance with the term of notice provided for in the Agreement, on 17 October 2018, the CLT Shareholders informed the CLF Shareholders of their intention to terminate the Agreement, which will therefore not be renewed when it expires on 29 September 2019, and is to be considered terminated and ineffective as from said date.

This notice has been filed with the Business Register of Turin, and is published on the website of Centrale del Latte (www.centralelatteitalia.com), together with essential update information regarding the Agreement, pursuant to art. 130 of the Issuers’ Regulation.