• The Shareholders’ Meeting will be called to decide, among other things, on the introduction of the one-tier system
  • All members of the Board of Directors resigned subject to the introduction of the one-tier system

Turin, 20 March 2024 – The Board of Directors of Centrale del Latte d’Italia S.p.A. (“CLI” or the “Company”) – the third Italian operator in the fresh and long-life milk market – announces that the notice convening the Company’s Shareholders’ Meeting was published on 19 March 2024 called – on first call – for 29 April 2024 and – on second call – for 6 May 2024, on the Company’s website www.centralelatteitalia.com (Section “Investor Relations”, “Meetings and notices of call”) and filed on the authorized storage mechanism “eMarket Storage” (internet address www.emarketstorage.com). The notice of call was also published in extract on 19 March 2024 in the newspaper Italia Oggi.
They are also made available to the public, in accordance with the law, among other things at the registered office of the Company, Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and on the website www.centralelatteitalia.com, the reports of the Board of Directors regarding the topics referred to in point no. 1.a of the agenda – extraordinary part – and referred to in points of the agenda – ordinary part.
Please note that the aforementioned Shareholders’ Meeting will be called to decide, among other things, on the introduction of the so-called one-tier system of administration and control. In view of this, all members of the Board of Directors, appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting on 27 April 2023, today communicated to the Company their resignations from their respective roles as directors with effectiveness subject to approval by the Shareholders’ Meeting of point 1.a on the agenda – extraordinary part – (i.e., adoption of the one-tier administration and control model) and with effect from the establishment of the new administrative body appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting pursuant to point 4 on the agenda – ordinary part.
In particular, the resignations were submitted by:
 Angelo Mastrolia, President of the Board of Directors and executive director;
 Giuseppe Mastrolia, Vice-President of the Board of Directors and executive director;
 Stefano Cometto, CEO;
 Benedetta Mastrolia, non-executive director and member of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee;
 Edoardo Pozzoli, non-executive director;
 Anna Claudia Pellicelli, non-executive director and meeting the independence requirements established by art. 148, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree 24 February 1998, n. 58 (the “TUF”) and of the Corporate Governance Code, as well as president of the Control and Risk Committee and of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, member of the Related Party Transactions Committee and Lead Independent Director;
 Valeria Bruni Giordani, non-executive director and meeting the independence requirements established by art. 148, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree 24 February 1998, n. 58 (the “TUF”) and of the Corporate Governance Code, as well as member of the Control and Risk Committee and of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee and president of the Related Party Transactions Committee.
The directors have communicated to the Company that they have resigned in order to allow – to the extent necessary – the Shareholders’ Meeting to proceed – in the event of approval of the introduction of the one-tier system – with the appointment of the new Board of Directors pursuant to point 4 of the ordinary part.
Based on the information available to the Company,
 as of today none of the directors holds direct shareholdings in the share capital of the Company; and
 none of the directors are entitled to indemnities or other benefits resulting from their termination from office.
In case of effectiveness of the aforementioned resignation and, therefore, in case of approval by the Shareholders’ Meeting of point 1.a of the extraordinary part (i.e., adoption of the one-tier administration and control model), the same meeting will appoint the new Board of Directors.

The Centrale del Latte d’Italia Group and Newlat Food, majority shareholder since 1 April 2020, today
represent the third Italian operator in the Milk & Dairy sector.
Newlat Food is a successful industrial Group, leader in the agri-food sector, present in 60 countries with
dairy products, pasta and bakery, gluten-free products and baby food.
With 7 factories and circa 650 employees, Centrale del Latte d’Italia Group produces and sells more than
120 products, ranging from milk and milk products to yogurt and drinks of plant origin and dairy distributed by
traditional shops and large retail chains in the pertinent areas under several brands names TappoRosso,
Polenghi, Mukki, Tigullio, Vicenza, Giglio, Salerno, Matese, Ala, Torre in Pietra, Optimus, Fior di Salento.


Fabio Fazzari
CLI Investor Relator
Cell.: +393346801664

Marco Trevisan
Barabino & Partners
Tel. +39 0102725048
Mob. +39 3474729634

Alice Brambilla
Barabino & Partners
Tel. 02 72023535
Cell: 328.266.81.96